Resources for MWBE Certification

For over a dozen years, we have been auditing MWBE applications for certification in NYS to make sure the proper documentation has been uploaded in order for a final review to take place with New York State’s Division of MWBE Certification. MWBE Certification is based on Article 15A and Title 5 and strictly follows the guidelines, policies and procedures listed there. In order to receive the certification, you must also follow these rules. We’re glad you are here and that you chose this manual to guide you in your journey. We designed this manual with business owners like you in mind.

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For over a dozen years, we have been auditing MWBE applications for certification in NYS to make sure the proper documentation has been uploaded in order for a final review to take place with New York State’s Division of MWBE Certification. MWBE Certification is based on Article 15A and Title 5 and strictly follows the guidelines, policies and procedures listed there. In order to receive the certification, you must also follow these rules. We’re glad you are here and that you chose this manual to guide you in your journey. We designed this manual with business owners like you in mind.

Let’s get started…

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