Building Communities & Improving Lives. One Member at a Time.

The Hammock Way of Life played a pivotal role in guiding the team at CDPHP to introspect and articulate their organization’s fundamental ethos. Through our innovative approach combining mind mapping and vision boarding, we facilitated brainstorming sessions that enabled members to visually lay out their thoughts, aspirations, and ideas.

This method not only fostered a collective understanding of the company’s direction but also encouraged a deeper sense of ownership and commitment among team members.

“Beyond the scope of professional development, employees are also in need of an avenue for personal development and reflection. Janet has conducted a number of Vision Board Workshops with our employees at CDPHP to much enjoyment and self-realization of our team members. Janet’s thoughtful and empathetic approach is truly immeasurable as it helps individuals explore a long-term path to self fulfillment.”
Randy Tryon Employee Events Development Coordinator CDPHP
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