Training & Webinars

Want to live the Hammock Way of Life?  We have classes, webinars, coaching sessions and other tools to help you visualize your dreams, then make them your reality.

Training: Vision Board Masterclass Coach Certification

We’ve been inspiring people and businesses with our vision board workshops for over a dozen years. In this Masterclass, we teach you all we’ve learned so that you can lead vision boarding experiences that transform clients’ personal and professional lives. 

What you’ll learn:

Plus, you’ll receive a free vision board kit– a $75 value–to jumpstart your vision board workshop. 

The certification includes a one-on-one coaching session with Janet Tanguay along with a group session or an invite to a LIVE vision board workshop. You’ll receive a special custom certificate. 

During our busy seasons, Hammock Way of Life partners with our certified coaches to conduct the workshops for us or invites our certified coaches to join us for our larger workshops with major corporations. 

We also welcome out-of-state coaches to apply for this certification as we build our brand nationwide and internationally.

Cost $750

Training: How to Do Business in New York State

A one-stop guide to doing business in New York State filled with resources and tools and organizations, many who offer pro bono advice, to save you time and money when starting your business in New York State. 

This training course offers websites with information for businesses on:

This webinar also includes a one-on-one coaching session with Business Advisor, Janet Tanguay.

Webinar: $150
Webinar + Workbook: $200
Webinar + Workbook + One on One Coaching Session: $600

Training: MWBE Certification – Common Mistakes to Avoid

NYS Minority- & Women-Owned Business Enterprise Certification helps businesses procure government contracts. 

In this webinar, you will learn:

Business Advisor, Janet Tanguay, has been auditing applications for MWBE for over a dozen years and has learned the pitfalls and plusses of this certification in NYS. Webinar registration includes a one-on-one session with Janet.


Webinar: $150
Webinar + Workbook: $200
Webinar + Application Assistance: $600

The Magic Happens Outside Your Comfort Zone

Feeling stuck? Don’t know how to begin, where to go, or what to do?  We have proven tools to break out of patterns and manifest your goals.

Want to stop stress and start creating? Let’s talk!

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